January 11, 2024

Saving lives with the ADAC emergency pass

In cooperation with ADAC e.V., the market leader medDV has taken a pioneering step in the field of medical emergency assistance. With this innovation, a person’s personal and medical data can be accessed more quickly by emergency services in an emergency, which significantly improves the response time and effectiveness of the assistance provided.

Fast data accessibility in an emergency

The ADAC Emergency Passport contains a comprehensive collection of personal information, including name, date of birth and emergency contacts, as well as important medical data such as previous illnesses, current medication and drug allergies. In addition, information on declarations of intent can also be stored in the passport. These details are crucial for emergency services to ensure the best possible care in an emergency.

Efficient rescue chain through integration in NIDA

One feature of the ADAC emergency pass is the possibility for emergency services to integrate the pass directly into the rescue chain. Using the QR code on the emergency pass, emergency services can transfer all relevant data directly to NIDAmobile. This guarantees more efficient and faster access to the required information. This release will gradually be made available to customers. In addition, all emergency data is encrypted in the passport, which means that lost smartphones cannot access sensitive data, thus ensuring the security of personal information.

Innovative safety solutions for digital emergency care

The ADAC Emergency Passport thus marks a significant advance in the field of medical and digital emergency care and underlines the constant effort to provide innovative solutions to improve safety. “Anyone can find themselves in an emergency situation at any time, regardless of age or health. And then every second counts. With the emergency passport, we can make it much easier to provide rapid and targeted assistance in an emergency, while ensuring data security through encryption,” says ADAC CEO Dr. Dieter Nirschl. medDV Managing Director Gunter Ernst is also convinced: “With this innovative solution to integrate the emergency passport into the rescue chain, we have taken a pioneering step in the field of rescue service care and can provide vital information directly and easily to the rescue services.”

Further information can be found here

ADAC emergency pass